The most beautiful spring flowers are Crocuses, Irises, Muscaris, Primroses and Tulips. To be able to make an informed choice, we have listed the different spring flowers by flowering period!
The different spring flowers
Spring is a time of wonder for all nature lovers. As the days get longer and the sun begins to shine more intensely, our gardens and parks come alive with an explosion of color. Among the first messengers of spring are many flowers that amaze us with their beauty and fragrance. In this section we will discover some of these wonderful spring flowers.
Flowers from winter to early spring:
Crocuses are more than just little flowers. They embody the resilience and strength of nature. Often emerging when memories of winter are still fresh, these little beauties defy the last of the cold to announce the arrival of spring. Crocuses come in an array of colors, each shade offering its own show. The magic of seeing a field of crocuses emerge through a thin layer of snow is one of the first joys of spring gardening.
Flowering period : End of winter to beginning of spring (February to March).
Height : 5-15 cm
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
Primrose (Primula)
Known for their vibrant color palette, ranging from sunny yellow to soft pink, primroses are the epitome of early spring. They prefer shady or semi-shaded corners, making them ideal for illuminating otherwise dark spaces in the garden. Their ease of maintenance makes them a popular choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners.
Période de floraison : Fin de l’hiver à milieu du printemps (février à avril).
Height : 10-30 cm, depending on the variety
Exposure : Partial shade, prefers a cool place
Daffodil (Narcissus)
Symbolizing hope and renewal, daffodils brighten up the landscape with their distinctive silhouettes. These charismatic flowers, with radiant petals surrounding a trumpet-shaped center, give off a sweet, captivating scent that reminds many of the beginning of spring.
Flowering period: Early to mid spring (March to April).
Height : 30-50 cm
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
Muscari / Hyacinth (or “grape hyacinth”)
Resembling tiny bunches of grapes hanging from their stems, Muscaris are an instant eye-catcher. These garden gems, with their bell-shaped flowers, provide a striking contrast when planted next to larger flowers. Their azure blue hue brings depth and richness to any space.
Flowering period: Early to mid spring (March to April)
Height : 15-20 cm
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
Violet (Viola)
Les violettes sont la discrétion incarnée. Se nichant souvent parmi les herbes ou au pied des arbres, ces petites fleurs délicates dégagent un parfum suave qui peut surprendre quiconque se penche pour les admirer. Disponibles dans une variété de couleurs, des nuances pastel douces aux tons vibrants, les violettes sont un incontournable des jardins printaniers.
Flowering period: Début du printemps à début de l’été (mars à juin)
Height : 5-15 cm
Exposure : Plein soleil à mi-ombre, préfère la fraîcheur
Pervenche (Vinca)
Periwinkle is a hard worker in the garden. Not only does it offer lovely bluish to purplish flowers, but its dark green foliage remains attractive all year round. This ground cover plant spreads quickly, making it a great option for controlling weeds while providing consistent color. Periwinkle's star-shaped flowers, combined with its glossy leaves, make it a popular choice for gardeners around the world.
Flowering period : Early spring to fall (March to September), depending on variety
Height : 10-20 cm
Exposure : Partial shade to shade
In short, these flowers bring color, texture and often wonderful fragrance to gardens in late winter and early spring. Their appearance is a comforting sign that warmer days are on the way.
Flowers from spring to early summer:
Irises are floral poems, embodying sophisticated elegance and striking beauty. Their slender petals, which seem to dance with the breeze, display a mosaic of colors, from deep blue to mystical purple, and even gold. These majestic sentinels of the garden, with their noble silhouette, can transform an ordinary flowerbed into a scene worthy of a master painting.
Flowering period : Mid-spring to early summer (May to June), depending on variety
Height : 30 cm to 1 m, depending on the variety
Exposure : Full sun
Tulip (Tulipa)
Tulips are the ultimate harbingers of spring. With a diversity that dazzles, they are adorned with all shades, from passion red to immaculate white, including the most exotic shades. Their shape, whether simple or extravagant like parrot tulips, tells a story of rebirth and wonder. It’s a renewed pleasure every year to see these gems bloom.
Flowering period: Milieu du printemps (avril à mai)
Height : 20-60 cm, selon la variété
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
With ethereal grace, the columbines dance in the garden like delicate ballerinas. Their unique shapes, sometimes reminiscent of fairies or butterflies, captivate the eye. They combine fragility and robustness, offering a gentle but unforgettable spectacle to the gardener and passers-by.
Flowering period : Late spring to early summer (May to June)
Height : 30-60 cm
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
Fritillaries are rare garden gems, looking like delicate bells hanging from slender stems. Their mysterious purple coloring, sometimes with touches of green, intrigues and fascinates. It is an invitation to linger, to discover, and to cherish each moment spent in the garden.
Flowering period: Early to mid spring (April to May)
Height : 30-100 cm, depending on the variety
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
Anemones are like terrestrial stars, bursting with light and color. Their exquisitely delicate petals seem to caress the air. Each flower is a reminder of the dazzling potential of nature, and the joy it can bring to everyday life.
Flowering period : Early spring to early summer (March to June), depending on the variety.
Height : 15-45 cm, depending on the variety
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
Aubriète is an explosion of color that engulfs rocky spaces and borders. Its vibrant hues of purple and pink create a magnificent spectacle, transforming the most austere spaces into living paintings of natural beauty.
Flowering period: Early to mid spring (April to May).
Height : 10-20 cm
Exposure : Full sun
Forget-me-not (or “Forget-me-not”)
The soft blue of forget-me-nots is a caress for the soul. These delicate flowers, with their hearts of gold, are silent witnesses to the most precious memories. Their very name evokes memory, remembrance and eternal affection.
Flowering period: Mid-spring (April to May).
Height : 20-30 cm
Exposure : Partial shade
Daisy (Bellis perennis)
Daisies are the simple jewels of meadows and gardens. Their soft white and yellow beauty recalls the carefree days of childhood, shared laughter and moments of pure happiness. They embody simple joy and are a reminder that beauty is often found in the little things.
Flowering period : Throughout spring, and even during summer in certain conditions (March to September)
Height : 5-15 cm
Exposure : Full sun to partial shade
These flowers, through their diversity and beauty, mark the transition from spring to summer. They transform our gardens into veritable canvases of color, where each flower plays a unique role to brighten up our daily lives.
What flowers should you put on your balcony?
In spring, when the days begin to lengthen and the sun becomes gentler, it is the ideal time to decorate your balcony with flowers that reflect the energy of this season of renewal.
Les bulbes de printemps sont un excellent choix pour commencer. Les crocus émergent souvent alors que des traces de neige peuvent encore être présentes. Ils sont suivis de près par les jonquilles et les tulipes, qui viennent dans une variété impressionnante de couleurs et de formes. Ces bulbes doivent être plantés à l’automne précédent pour fleurir au printemps.
Les pensées et primevères sont également parfaites pour le printemps. Ces petites fleurs robustes peuvent gérer le froid de la fin d’hiver et du début du printemps, offrant des touches de couleur même les jours gris.
Le myosotis ou “Forget-me-not” avec ses petites fleurs bleues, est une autre fleur printanière idéale pour un balcon. Non seulement elles donnent une jolie touche de couleur, mais elles peuvent aussi se ressemer d’elles-mêmes pour revenir l’année suivante.
Les hellébores ou roses de Noël sont aussi une belle addition. Elles fleurissent tôt et viennent dans une gamme de couleurs allant du blanc au vert, en passant par le rose et le pourpre.
Pour ajouter un peu de hauteur et de structure à votre balcon, pensez aux arbustes à fleurs de printemps. Le forsythia en pot, par exemple, peut offrir une explosion de jaune, tandis que les azalées en pot donneront une profusion de fleurs.
Finally, don’t forget to add perfume! Hyacinths are not only beautiful, but they also give off a delicious scent that is synonymous with spring for many.
When arranging your balcony for spring, think about the amount of sunlight, the size of the pots and the overall effect you want to create. With a combination of heights, colors and shapes, you can transform your balcony into a real spring garden.
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Our spring flowers
Bouquet Clara
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Bouquet Clea
From CHF69.90 -
Bouquet Caroll
From CHF69.90 -
Bouquet Cassy
From CHF69.90 -
Bouquet Celia
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Bouquet Calypso
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